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Infrared thermographic inspections scan large areas fast and affordably, with no damage, downtime or risk.

Infrared imaging quickly and accurately identifies water leaks, heat loss and electrical faults so you can take proactive corrective measures.

Thermographic Imaging Uses Heat Signatures to Identify Issues

You don’t need to bash down walls to find the source of an electrical short or start poking holes in your ceiling to see where a leak is coming from.

Instead, infrared technology helps us take color images of the surveying/inters area.

A thermal camera uses thousands of temperature points to display a thermal image which is then interpreted by a certified thermographer who evaluates whether there are deviations from what you would expect to see.

These images identify electrical, insulation, and water concerns and highlight potential problem areas. This gives you the accurate information you need to take immediate corrective action and diagnose for predictive maintenance to prevent future issues.

Toronto Infrared Thermal Imaging & Scanning
Toronto Infrared Thermal Imaging & Scanning

The Benefits of Infrared Thermographic Inspections at Home and Work

Thermographic inspections evaluate the temperature profiles of a residential or commercial building to diagnose for predictive maintenance.

Improved Accuracy

Infrared imaging gives you the superpower that allows you to see through walls. Find the exact location of the leak and identify the root of the issue by analysing and interpreting heat signatures.

No Downtime

Business can carry on as usual because systems such as electricity and plumbing don’t need to be taken offline during the inspection.


Identify existing and potential system issues with a low-cost infrared scan, save a fortune in potential maintenance costs and lost productivity down the line, and reduce your fire risk.


Test for air, heat and water leaks and blockages without causing any unnecessary damage to the building by looking in the wrong areas.


Invasive techniques come with their own set of risks. In comparison, infrared inspections are conducted from a distance and are completely safe for you and the building.

Improved Efficiency

Accurate diagnosis of radiant heat loss, malfunctioning electrical components, compromised insulation and moisture detection allows for improved energy efficiencies and lower costs of building exploration.

Infrared Thermography for Your Home or Business

We all know that prevention is better than a cure, making infrared thermographic scans the ideal cost-effective way to check for faults before they become a bigger problem.

It’s a bit like going to the doctor for a check-up.

Toronto Infrared Thermal Imaging & Scanning
Toronto Infrared Thermal Imaging & Scanning


Using infrared cameras, our electrical infrared thermal imaging services include identifying wiring and connection faults, locating faulty fuses, conducting motor control centre checks, as well as inspecting transformers and faulty plugs.


Infrared thermography can be used as a non-destructive method for leak detection in your ceiling or roof to find the source of exterior wall moisture, roof moisture or leaks as well as water leakage into the foundations or basement.


Our inspection checks your HVAC and insulation systems, quickly identifying common problem areas, including the attic, windows and doors, insulation, ducting and air infiltration.


The walls of your building or home are a complex network of drainage pipes, water pipes, electric cabling and HVAC ducts. Thermal imaging can inspect your walls and identify any issues, so they can be resolved before they get worse.

Toronto Infrared Thermal Imaging & Scanning

Your Local Thermal Imaging Inspection Team Servicing Toronto, Ontario

With years of experience and an exemplary track record, our certified thermographers service the greater Toronto area and neighbouring cities, including Newmarket, Mississauga and Vaughan in Ontario.

We work with residential and commercial properties, conducting building inspection thermal imaging, thermal energy audits and infrared thermography inspections.

Industries We Serve

Our ability to deliver accurate, cost-effective results without causing damage makes infrared thermographic inspection an ideal solution for:

Insurance Companies

Home Owners






Real Estate Agents

Can Our Infrared Thermal Imaging & Scanning Team Help You?

We offer infrared home inspection and thermographic inspections for commercial properties.

Toronto Infrared Thermal Imaging & Scanning
I bought this house a year ago and noticed a continuous buzz inside. After countless attempts to fix it, with various technicians I heard about Dan's team and called them to do an investigation. In half an hour, they found a lose connection of the hydro wires entering the house. Problem solved, an electrician tight it in 2 minutes.. I don't want to think about what could have happened if I hadn't discovered the malfunction.
I moved to this townhouse 8 months ago and noticed that on the second floor it is colder than downstairs, I did not think of any other solution than to change the windows when a friend recommended to me the team that investigated heat loss at his company. As soon as they came, they took pictures of all the doors and windows, so they found a window, on the second floor, that had no thermal isolation around the frame. I fixed the issue with my father and it cost me 2 can of foam, less than $20 compared to $40.000 all the windows

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